We will publish fully auditable annual financial reports. Each project we invest in will be monitored and reported on.
We will enter into partnership with existing smaller foundations where it is obvious our work is of a similar nature and our values align. We aim to offer a helpline for children which will link to our partner foundations offering such services
We will fund art schools enabling children access to free art classes.
We will fund existing sport clubs enabling children access to free lessons in sport.
We will fund music schools enabling children access to free lessons in music.
We will organise workshops giving children access to free classes.
We will endeavour to be sustainable in everything we do, including the products we sell in our online store.
Each employee will have a tailor made personal growth plan that will fit in with the foundation goals.
We are a not for profit organization and our goal is to be self-funded. How can we
achieve this goal?
Initially we will raise money, through sponsored events, through companies that will give
donations. We will buy into sports clubs and also open our own on line education
establishments. In this way we will be able to charge customers for the service and
make these facilities small businesses in their own right that will generate revenue for
the foundation
To be self funded.
Free classes for children.